Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 74 - October 27th - A New Day

Today is a fresh start. (As if every day) and I'll try not to hold myself to extremes. Right?  'Cause extremes only get you in trouble and make you not like things about yourself - and what's not to like! Yourself and everyone's self is beautiful.

It's all about choices - as is so many things in life. But it's the OVERALL choices and not about individual purchases.
For example... someone who is dieting, it's not about each bite but rather the overall picture of your health.   You can have the cookie, but just have one, not six or sixteen. Our bodies will tell us when they're not getting enough of something.  Will my brain tell me when I'm not getting enough shopping? Enough color? bling? flowers? or brads? (OK, so scrapping doesn't always associate well with weight loss.)

"Just jump back in the sadlle and giddy-up for another day." (I read this on another blog and thought is was so cute.)

So giddy-up horsey! I have to go look at my buttons again!

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