Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 32 - September 15th - HSN 24 Hour Crafting Event

Yesterday on HSN (Home Shopping Network) They had a 24 hour crafting event. Starting at midnight, which Tony woke me up at 12:15 to watch, they sold nothing but scrapbooking items.  Occationally they'd throw in a ironing board or sewing machine, saying the crafter needs these items. Let me tell you, THIS crafter doesn't need those items. I don't use an iron in real life, let alone in my crafting.
"Well crafters you know you have to eat."  And as for sewing... nope, none of that either. Buttons are over rated. Why don't they just throw in pots and pans and say, "Well crafters you know you have to eat." 

So I watched for about an hour in the early morning. (Hmmmm no wonder I was tired yesterday.) and had it on  in the background all day Tuesday. Kind of like having a radio on.

I did not buy. Nope. Not a thing. Several items caught my eye like theTim Holtz book and grung board. But I already have the grund board I just want to know how to use it better. I'll get the book, maybe for Christmas or birthday.  (Archivers does carry it.)
And then there were the Anna Griffin Christmas cards. However, I have so much Christmas stuff that you, me and everyone else I know could use my stuff and we'd never use it all.  And all my Christmas pictures are the same anyway, except for the change in my nephews toys. 

So despite the fact that I was bommbarred with "you have to buy this, quantity is limited", and "every scrapbooker has to have this" and the great price on paper, rub on and "grand adhesions" (they are 3-d stickers) I didn't buy.

Holdinig tough - KJ

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