Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 16 - August 30 2010 - Monday

Has it really been two weeks since I bought anything?!

Instead of buying things on Sunday, like I normally due with a Sunday stop at Michael's after groceries, I focused on putting things away. 

I got all my Michigan purchases in their proper places.  And what I 'm finding out, is that when I buy something, in order to organize it, it has to come out of the packaging.  The brads have to opened, and put in all the little plastic floss separators that I keep them in.
The flowers get put in the clear plastic flower buckets.  12x12 letter sheets are cut in half so that they fit in the file folders in the file cabinet, each color letter having its own separate file folder.  And when it comes to paper, I "floor file" first (spreading and categorizing everything on the floor) and then put it was by category or color. I even pulled a part a paper pad and separated all the sheets out. (I didn't even know I had this paper!) By tearing it apart and putting it with the proper colors, I know I'll use it more.

I love organizing!

Then I started to put away photo prints from 2010, 2009 and some miscellaneous ones that had gotten pulled for projects.  Didn't get really far on this one. But at least it was a start. I put them in big Cropper Hopper photo organizers. 

And I'm glad I pass on the Christmas tags on Saturday. In putting my stuff away, I found something that will work just as well on the Christmas gift boxes if not better.  I KNEW I'd have something.


  1. Oh my goodness - girl, you are something. Organization queen by far! I may just have to join you on this quest... LOL Lord, knows I have enough to work with!

  2. Oh Laura - with all the stuff the TWO of us have, I bet we'd be better stocked then most of the retail stores these days.
