Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 47 - September 30 - Back and Ready to Start Again

Back from vacation! Ahhhh... those days of fresh air, lots of sunshine, bad eating and no laundry. Love vacation!
And now, it's time to look at what I purchased in Utah. Kind of like waking up after a good night of drinking and thinking,
"what the heck did I do that for?!" 
And of course to swear that, "I'll never do that again!"

I bought ribbon.  Not that I NEEDED anymore ribbon. It's not about the needed, it's about the want. I WANT the ribbon. It's sooo pretty, and when it's touching and up against all it's ribbon buddies? Well you can't just take one. The ribbon would be lonely.  It has to have some of it's friends. Or better yet, some of it's relatives. So if you buy the white ribbon with white polk-a-dots, you have to buy the pink ribbon with white polka-dots, the red ribbon with white polk-a-dots, the lime.. you get the picture.

A new cutter: Yes. I have a cutter. Can't scrap without a cutter. Scissors and a straight line - that will never happen. But this NEW cutter has blue flowers on it, and has numbers in black rather then embedded into the plastic. I can see it easier. Although, the truth is, that I've used the old cutter for so long, that I can eye the 8" mark and no exactly where it is. Kind of like the chefs who say to use a pinch and it's exactly a teaspoon of whatever.  You just KNOW it. That and June and Hilary had one. Talk about peer pressure! I thought that stopped in high school? Everyone got their ears pierced - me too! Everyone had doodle folders - me too! Everyone had great grades. Well, I guess I didn't do everything they did.

Stamps. Got stamps. Not that I don't already have a gazillion stamps, I can't even count them.  It would be too scary. BUT for a dollar, how can you not buy things that are so cute! Things like Christmas trees, and cute flowers. AND stamps, unlike stickers or rub-ons can be used over and over again. So then why ever buy stickers or rub-ons if they aren't reusable? Stop being practical! Scrapbooking has no room for practicality.  It's all about the emotion and cuteness.

And I can't believe I have to put things away, AGAIN! There was the first warehouse trip to Michigan, then Laura sent me some items, then June and now this last shopping spree.  However, I'm NOT complaining. The items from the girls have been wonderful, and keeps me inspired to stay on track. By them sending me items, I do get the "I've got a new item - I've been shopping kind of feeling". And that is ALWAYS good.

So I'm back on the wagon and back to no spending. Christmas is 75 or so days away! Hurry Santa! I'm starting a new list!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 41 - September 24th - Went on a Binge Yesterday

Yesterday in the Salt Lake City area I went on my shopping binge! "Grandfathered" in prior to my blog, this shopping trip was pre-planned before I decided not to buy. 

And so, at 8am, June and I left Sandy, Utah and headed the car north, to pick up our friend Hilary.  From Hilary's  house, complete with a scrapbook room that any scrapper would die for, we hit Hobby Lobby since it opened at 9am. Searching for the sale items which included stickers, spare-parts, and albums - all at 50% off, Hilary added more albums to her her current library. I managed to spend about $35. Ahhhh... it felt good. I was purchasing things I needed.. button brads, stickers to be used on wedding cards, birthday cards, and gems. Can never have enough bling.
The swipe of the debt card and entry of the PIN and begun.

From there we hit Joann's.  And there, I got a new 12" cutter. Now you may say, "But Kathy Jo, you already have a cutter don't you. Because if you didn't, how the heck have you been cutting all this paper?" Well.. let me say.. it's like trading in a car. I had an older model, the one from 10 years ago, and it worked and it cut - BUT , this newer mold! The number are in black instead of embedded in plastic. Instead of acting like Helen Keller and trying to read the 5.5" mark, these are EASY to read.  And it has pretty blue flowers on it. Very fashionable. And both June and Hilary had one.  If your fiends have one - you GOT to have it. And it was 30% off.!
Got that and the replacement blades, and some items from the dollar bin. Spent about $30.00

Continuing north we went to SEI warehouse.  There in a little industrial park, across the parking lot from the railroad tracks is SEI. And there, not only do they discount their regular, new for the season, items, theyhave 10 cent paper and a wall of dollar bins! Now we are talking. As much as I like to buy scrapbook stuff, if I can get it really cheap all the better. With most papers running anywhere from $80 - 1.70, to find it for a dime is a dream! And, it's good stuff - not just the left over ugly papers.  So I ended up spending.. you guessed it $35.

I'm seeing a pattern here...

Having driven to what now seemed like the Canadian border, through beautiful mountains and valley so low that you can't get radio reception, we headed back south, in the direction of home to pick up our friends Laurel and Debbie. 

Next stop - Ben Franklin. Yes, in a time where every " 5 and Dime" store has gone away, this Ben Franklin still exists, AND we had a coupon! Again, the dollar bins are the most attractive and I picked up some inks - in particular a chalk ink in white. Usually you can only get this in a pigment ink that doesn't dry well - this is chalk and should dry instantly. I'm hoping.  And another $10 of the cutest stamps I've seen. And yes, some of these stamps had a Christmas theme - which I SWORE , I would not buy any more Christmas items.  But with a stamp that read, "Santa - define good" and "be your elf", I thought they'd be so cute on tags.
Got 20 yards of ribbon for $1.50 and other such bargains. 
Laurel met us there, and I should have checked out before she arrived, because she managed to find an additional 3 stamps that I just had to have. 
Note:  Better to shop alone - you buy less. Shopping with friends becomes "gathering" and you help each other put things in their baskets.

From "Fem Franklin" which is what the girls call it, we headed to Heartland, the only independent store we hit. By this time it's 4:30 and we haven't eaten all day. Nothing since breakfast at 8am.  Dizzy from hunger we checked out the aisles.  The lack of food took over the appetite for shopping and I only spent $8 on birthday ribbon and couple sheets of paper.

A quick drive through McDonalds will help in all situations.. and from their it was to Roberts.  It's just like Michaels and what's with all the male names on craft stores? Roberts at one time was a "giant" and eliminated so many independent stores. Now, their aisle are spread thin and they had nothing but last years paper.
You may say, "so what if it's last years paper? Does it get old?" No. But if it's last years it means I've already seen it and bought it, or didn't like it anyway. So that means I already have it or don't want it. Poor selection at best. No where near the items they had in the early years (2002-2006). I would think they are looking to close. I've seen this behavior before in multiple stores that have shut their doors.
Still spent $18.  All on clearance items - thickers, gems, and a couple of stickers.

And that was it. A quick day. But I seem to be satisfied. Now I just want to go home and use my new cutter and make some more cards and scrapbooks.  I think I'm set until Christmas. 
Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is .....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 38 - September 21st - Replacement

In trying to change something, it's always good to have something new take it's place.

So I stop spending which means that allows the time from shopping to do something else. I have. I found time for "Mad Men".
A drama about an advertising agency that takes place in the '60s has become my favorite show. They are currently in their fourth season on AMC, and I've gone to the library to get the prior seasons. I'm number 4 in line to get season 1, but I've already watched all of season 2 and 3 in two weeks - 26 episodes.  And I can't get enough! The writing, the filming, the characters, the set design.  I love it all and ever since "John From Cincinnati" (google that one if you don't know it) have I been so "wrapped up" in what the characters are doing and why. 

Does this take the sting out of shopping. Yeah, it could. When I need to get home in order to watch another episode rather then stopping at the scrap store - yeah, it's a good thing.
When I want to spend money on my new "Anderson Cooper Advertising" mug instead of paper packs. Won't hurt. I have tons of paper.. and only a couple of mugs. I've got lots of mugs too, but no "Anderson Cooper" one.
And when I watch an episode I usually hop on my stationary bike, or treadmill and do 45 minutes of exercise. Well, shouldn't everyone be motivated that way!

And I'm not giving up scrapbooking... in fact if I can find them cheap, I'll buy the dvd's and watch them while I'm scrapbooking. "Mad Men" and scrapbooking - it would be quite a night!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 35 - September 18th -

Well, it's been 35 days, just over a month. It seems a LOT longer. However, I'm still happy with the decision I made to cut back on spending. The "instant gratification" part goes away a little bit. When shopping in a store you really start to ask yourself for most purchases, "do I really need that?" And if the answer is yes or you need some "retail therapy" to get you through, then go for it.
And if not... then hang in there for Christmas or your birthday. People will want to know what to get you.

Another thing is, maybe I know what the finish line is. In this particular case, my finish line this particular time is the "grandfathered in" trip to Utah.  On Thursday, myself and 4 other crazy scrapbook women, scrapbook enthusiasts will attempt to shop at 12 different stores in Utah. With store list, GPS, coupons and a credit card, we will be ready to hit the road.  I have a wish list I've been putting together for the times when I can shop, like this one. Or for Christmas presents or birthday presents. 
And didn't we do this as kids? I know I did. Wanting that one particular toy and hoping that on Christmas morning it would finally be there.  Or going through the Sears catalog in November. Their toy section was to die for - and didn't everyone shop at Sears then. ("Then" is back in the 60s. - for all you young people who only shop on line, and for you older people who let the Wells Fargo wagon deliver your goods.)  And I'd get loaded with gifts in December with my birthday and Christmas being 2 weeks apart. ( I secretly wished I had been born in June, that way you get presents every 6 months - it's spaced out better.)

The anticipation is nice. In this world of instant: Instant messaging, cell phones at your finger tips, instant credit, instant images of anything you would possibly want to buy on the Internet, instant food in the microwave.  And trust me, if you could invent instant weight loss - you'd be a gazillionaire.
  It's kind of nice, to sit back, think about, anticipate, and slow a process down. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 32 - September 15th - HSN 24 Hour Crafting Event

Yesterday on HSN (Home Shopping Network) They had a 24 hour crafting event. Starting at midnight, which Tony woke me up at 12:15 to watch, they sold nothing but scrapbooking items.  Occationally they'd throw in a ironing board or sewing machine, saying the crafter needs these items. Let me tell you, THIS crafter doesn't need those items. I don't use an iron in real life, let alone in my crafting.
"Well crafters you know you have to eat."  And as for sewing... nope, none of that either. Buttons are over rated. Why don't they just throw in pots and pans and say, "Well crafters you know you have to eat." 

So I watched for about an hour in the early morning. (Hmmmm no wonder I was tired yesterday.) and had it on  in the background all day Tuesday. Kind of like having a radio on.

I did not buy. Nope. Not a thing. Several items caught my eye like theTim Holtz book and grung board. But I already have the grund board I just want to know how to use it better. I'll get the book, maybe for Christmas or birthday.  (Archivers does carry it.)
And then there were the Anna Griffin Christmas cards. However, I have so much Christmas stuff that you, me and everyone else I know could use my stuff and we'd never use it all.  And all my Christmas pictures are the same anyway, except for the change in my nephews toys. 

So despite the fact that I was bommbarred with "you have to buy this, quantity is limited", and "every scrapbooker has to have this" and the great price on paper, rub on and "grand adhesions" (they are 3-d stickers) I didn't buy.

Holdinig tough - KJ

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 29 - September 12th - The Inkadoos Did Me In

Damn! This is a lot harder then I thought it would be.  I had a little bit of extra time on Saturday so I ducked into Target.  That will eat up some time and your wallet.  The best thing I like about Target is their clearance sections. You can get one heck of a deal when they are trying to get rid of an item. 
And that is where I fell.  WHY did I even go into the scrapbook aisle.  Had I stayed in the clothes I would have just bought another coat. Or in purses, and I certainly would have bought another bag.  (Both of which I don't need either of. ) Why didn't I stay in the car and just read my book.  Why, why why.....
But I didn't. I hit the scrapbook aisle.  And first I saw some travel chipboard letters - originally $5.99 for $1.49. GREAT price.  I picked them up. I put them back. I picked them up. I put them back.  Just walk away. And as I turned to go, I ended up facing the stamps.  And there, with it's right RED clearance tag was a set of Inkadoo swirly stamps.  Originally $8.99 (and $9.99 at Archivers)
the big red clearance ticket said $2.24.  $2.24!!! You can't even get a sticker sheet for $2.24, and with these, I can use them over and over and over again - and in every color ink I own.  $2.24 That's less then a cup of coffee. I can use them on the inside of cards, the outside of cards, on the envelopes, on my pages. Multi-use over and over item for $2.24!
I got them. I had to. I cracked. It's hard.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 26 - September 9th - I have hit the Jackpot

OMG!  Even if I wanted to shop I now have no need to shop.  My good friend Laura cleaned out some of her scrap room and was kind enough to send me a TON of stuff.  25 pounds of stuff.  Something to the tune of 18 different 12 x 12 books that include all kinds of punch outs and tags and such.  20 different "card maker" pads full of papers, and tags, and quotes and just all kinds of things! Then there is the extra brads, and albums, clip board and the cutest little purse and big punch out letters!  It's going to take a while to put all this stuff away.  But it makes me so happy to be able to go through all of this.  I can't even imagine how many cards I can make out of  all of it.  Or the pages and albums I can put together.  
Now I don't even feel the need to buy anything.  I just want to use all this new stuff that I got.  It's like Christmas plus!!!

In order to organize all this, I think I'm going to break down the 12 x 12 paper pads by  color, because that is how my current 12 x 12 is organized.
Then, the extra embellishments will be categorized with the same types.  Birthdays, animals, school, hearts, etc. As best I can.  The tags, I may actually cut out all the tags so that they are "ready" when I want to use them on a card.  OR, I may put them in 8.5 by 11 page protectors to be able to flip through the pages to see what I have. Haven't figured that one out yet. But I know I will.  I have to be organized in order to quickly find things in my room.  It's all about the organizing.

So thank you Laura! Thank you for giving me a new project and new toys to play with.  No need to shop.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 25 - September 8th.

I have 25 pounds of scrapbook stuff coming my way! And no, it's not a purchase.  My good friend Laura organized her scrap room and was getting rid of stuff. And she thought of ME. Thank you Laura!  I'll let you know when it arrives.  Can't wait to get the "surprise box".  And this doesn't count because it's a gift! 25 pounds worth!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 23 - September 6th - Every day is a challenge

I'm so torn! I do miss shopping. I do. When I shop, I get ideas going... knowing what I'm going to do with the item in my hand. Looking at all the colors. Checking out what's new.  How cute it will look on a card or a page. The thing is, I need to shop my own stash. Go through my stuff and treat it as a store.  And what a nice "store" it is! Everything is organized. Paper is in one section, ribbons in another.  In fact, I  have more inventory then some stores I've shopped in.

This morning there was a coupon in my email for a $10, hardbound 20 page 8x8 book from Snapfish! They usually run $30 and I was OH so very tempted! That is a great, great price.  I even clicked on the link. And then I thought... I can make an 8x8 book with 20 pages in an evening at home, (or two evenings at Archivers). And the hardbound books are kind of cool - they look like a real book and I've never done one. But do I really NEED one. No. And when would I have time to do all the computer work to get the pictures laid in, captioned, etc. As it is, I'm on the computer all day and looking to get off of it and play with "real" toys.. scissors, paper, etc.
I mouse all day, don't want to mouse at night too. 
I passed. Even if you did count yesterday's buttons as a purchase, doesn't mean I'm giving up.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 22 - September 5th - Is this really a purchase?

Michael's has a 50% off coupon. GOT to use. I need glue.
Glue is $6.00 (Really $5.99, but we'll round up).
- 50% off $3.00
Total = $3.00

The dollar bin items are 50% off!  They are 50 cents. I have to look!

Pick up one very cute container of Orange buttons and one very cute container of purple buttons. (They were the only ones there!)
+ $1.00

Gems were also in the dollar bins, thinking they were 50 cents I picked up two. Wrong! Read the sign wrong. They are still a dollar. Was going to put them back, but to embarrassed that I missed the sign.


Total purchase $6.00; which is the regular price of the glue. 
Since the buttons and the gems were "free", the amount of discount on the glue.... would this be considered a purchase?

Note:  Tony just came home... he said that if you are standing at the register with something in your hand, -it's a purchase.
(I think he is wrong.... it was free!)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 21 - September 4th - Perfection is over rated

Can anyone really be perfect? To never screw up, never stubble, never falter? Never.
(You know where this is going.)  Last night was the crop at Archivers and I really liked the
new venue. Instead of paying $15 and getting food that is moderate at best, a page layout that you'll tear about and take the two pieces of card stock and one piece of pattern paper and put it in your paper stash, and three raffles of stuff you really didn't want anyway. (Valentines hearts in the middle of July.) They charge you $5 to hold your spot, and then you get a $5 coupon to use in the store.

I had $5 to spend. I now know, EXACTLY how a kid feels when you take them to Toys-R-Us and say, "You can buy anything you want, but you only have $5 dollars." 
What! Are you crazy! Just $5! Do you KNOW how expense things are?! Do you KNOW that there are a gazzillion items to pick from - and the majority of them are NOT $5. And even when I find something for $5, the choices. Oh the choices!!!

So I shopped. For 45 minutes. You would think I was never, ever going to shop again. What should I buy? It's got to be good. It's got  to hold me until I get to Utah. I don't want to buy something "silly". It's got to be something that I'll use. Do I buy a tool, so I can use it over and over again, of some more flowers.  Do I get papers to do some layout? Do I buy more white paint because I'm out?
Do I get something "fall-ish" to match the season?  NASA doesn't ask this many questions to get men on the moon.

At one point, I had a black acrylic title that said "Sweetie"- could use this on a number of pages. (Especially one about me! ). Then I had a Fancy Pants, punch out sheet.  This sheet (for $5.99) had 6 different glittered clear arylic punch outs in pinks and greens.  One was a frame, one border strip, one title ("Dream"), etc.  I analyzed this sheet for about 10 minutes.  10 minutes! Trying to figure out how I would use each and every piece and on what kind of layout.  Someone watching me must have thought I had gone into some kind of trance. "Why is this women just standing in the middle of the aisle staring at this one piece of paper in her hand? And how long is she going to stare at the darn thing! Did she have some kind of stroke?!"
I put it back. I wasn't sure how I would use all the pieces on any of the current projects I'm working on.

I decided on

Yes. The Basic Gray Rub-on tool.  I had one of these before and lost it within a couple of weeks.  It IS a great rub on tool. I can use it over and over and over again. And with my cards - there is a lot of rubbing on to to do.

It was $6.99, slightly over my five dollars - but heck, no one is perfect. Total bill for last nights crop $2.15 including tax.

P.S. Don't forget.. .the back of the packaging works as an "embelishment" too.
Soon to be seen on a card!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 20 - September 3rd

Tonight will be another test. I'm doing a "Scrap-mania" at Archivers from 5 until 11pm. For $15 they use to feed us, give us a free layout kit and have three raffles. Now it's free and you bring your own food and drink and no give aways.  That's ok with me. The food was never really all that good anyway.  Typical pizza, or pasta, or subs. It's hard to feed 40 women while they are totally focused on paper and scissors. 
What you had to do was give them $5 to hold you seat at the crop, and then they give you a $5 coupon to use in the store that night.  Since the $5 was really to crop I didn't constitute it as a "purchase",  more an "activity".  And the coupon is for free stuff. So I'm not counting that one either as a purchase. Remember.. free and gifts don't count.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 18 - September 1st

Hard to believe it is September with 90 degree weather.  But the pool is now closed and Halloween AND Christmas decorations are out along with school supplies, so it must be September.

Still haven't bought anything.  Feels kind of "empty". Kind of "lighter".  I don't have a single Archivers or Michaels plastic bag on the dining room table.  Don't have any 12x12 paper in the living room waiting to be invited into the studio to be put away.  It's all done. Hmmm. So I guess I'll have to make stuff.  I certainly have enough projects pending. 

Current list:  CKU (Creating Keepsakes University) from 2002, 2003 and 2006 - all going in one 6x6 album noted as CKU-Utah.

                   Italy trip. Half completed. I think I know what is holding me up there. I want to add more photos but didn't because I thought it would be too big.  Too bad! My book - if you don't want to look at all 997 photos... pick another album. (Not everyone reads the encyclopedia either - but they are there if you want to.) 

                    "Photo a Day Project" - or, for me, "A Photo Every Other Day... Maybe every two days... Maybe need to fill the week with one Event photo a Day".  I started out strong, but having taking pictures of every shoe, appliance, and room in my house - I'm out of ideas.
As of this writing, I'm only up to June 15 getting photos in the book.

                 And I have a new on line class starting; "Tell Your Story", which helps you organize your stories to go with your pictures. For a scrapbooker, I would be considered a big journaler.  I write a lot and like to keep the stories with the photos.  Class starts Friday.
(Note:  This class was "Grandfathered" in prior to my abstinence of no shopping. And would this be considered educational and allowable under the "I'm Not Buying Anything For a Year" clause?" )