What a way to spend a day off.. with cards and killers. While playing with my Cameo and making cards I was watching Dexter. One episode after another. 5 in all. (I had to get the DVD back to the libary or pay a $1/day fine. - Oh no. Not me. I'm not paying.) So I spent my morning in my studio and was so very happy.
Like the title on the card? I cut it out on my Cameo! :)
After having scrapbooked for 10 years, and returning home from a recent two day shopping spree in Saginaw, MI, I decided enough was enough. It was time to stop shopping, slow down, and be creative with the things I have. And I have a lot to be creative with.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Nov 25th - Such a Scrap-a-holic
Black Friday. Coupons. Sales. Why don't they just tell a drug addict that there is free drugs on every corner. How can you resit? How can you not go. You can't. So I went. Yep. Out to Michael's last night after a very wonderful Thanksgiving dinner prepared entirely by the Hubby! They say, after you eat you should go out for a walk. Does that including walking with a shopping cart? I think it does. So off I went... at 6:30pm on Thanksgiving. With the 30% off coupon in my hand and a smile on my face.
I will confess, owning the silhouette makes your selections a little different. I didn't buy any pattern paper. Because I'm not sure how the cuts will look on pattern. I did buy 100 sheets of black card stock which I use ALL the time, on just about every page. I bought white card stock, cause I'll be using that with the silhouette especially once I learn how to print and cut. I bought 4 bottle of glue, I was down to my last one. And, here comes the addiction... ribbon. OMG. It was 60% off, and then you got another 30% off of the 60% price. The wall was lined with colors and patterns, like a candy counter with zero calories! I could not pass it up. 5 spools later I was done.
The rush was great! The hangover to put it away... always a challenge.
I did pick up a couple of sticker sheets. An incentive to learn how to do the print / cut feature on my new friend- "Miss Silhouette Cameo".
I'll see if I can scan them in. Copy them over, print them out and cut them. Sounds complicated, but I hear it's easy.
What I didn't do yesterday was work on my projects as much as I had hoped. I finished one. But then ended up cleaning, napping, Watching three episodes of "Dexter", eating, workout and shopping. I guess that is a full day too.
And today I have off. Another day to live in the crayon box of a scraproom and create. I won't have to worry about cooking, since I'm never eating again.
I will confess, owning the silhouette makes your selections a little different. I didn't buy any pattern paper. Because I'm not sure how the cuts will look on pattern. I did buy 100 sheets of black card stock which I use ALL the time, on just about every page. I bought white card stock, cause I'll be using that with the silhouette especially once I learn how to print and cut. I bought 4 bottle of glue, I was down to my last one. And, here comes the addiction... ribbon. OMG. It was 60% off, and then you got another 30% off of the 60% price. The wall was lined with colors and patterns, like a candy counter with zero calories! I could not pass it up. 5 spools later I was done.
The rush was great! The hangover to put it away... always a challenge.
I did pick up a couple of sticker sheets. An incentive to learn how to do the print / cut feature on my new friend- "Miss Silhouette Cameo".
I'll see if I can scan them in. Copy them over, print them out and cut them. Sounds complicated, but I hear it's easy.
What I didn't do yesterday was work on my projects as much as I had hoped. I finished one. But then ended up cleaning, napping, Watching three episodes of "Dexter", eating, workout and shopping. I guess that is a full day too.
And today I have off. Another day to live in the crayon box of a scraproom and create. I won't have to worry about cooking, since I'm never eating again.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
It has ARRIVED - November 22, 2011
It's here! It has arrived! (And the angels sang... "ahhhhhhhh") Oh yes, the glorious Silhouette Cameo is here. And I lost no time in getting it out of the box and setting it up. It's beautiful. Like a new car! It's all nice and shiney and everything is new and all the pieces are there. Love it.
Monday and Tuesday I spent reading the entire manual. I don't think I've ever read a manual cover to cover before. Fifty two pages, and I thought the manual was "light" on instruction. We need a "Silhouette for Dummies" book. I'm thinking I'll be getting my education off of U-tube.
Last night I cut for the very first time. Yes - a virgin cut! I cut a reindeer, a snowflake and a happy birthday title - all on the same page using different papers for each cut. Yeah - my first cut was "fancy". And I went for the "real thing" to use. To hell with "research and development", just jump right in with the real thing - it will work. (OK. I would have made a really bad scientist.)
It worked like a charm. This machine lines up the image on the computer screen exactly as it will on the cutting mat. (The old one didn't do that.) This one has a 12x12 cutting mat, the old one was 81/2 x 11 - you had to trim your paper every time and you kind of had to guess where the cut would start. This machine is a lot quieter, although the grindy cutting noise is always a little disturbing. But that is what it does.
I also practiced grouping and ungrouping images last night. Seeing how they move on the page and how you control the images.
Tonight, I'll make a turkey. NO - not the in the oven kind, the paper kind. That and apple pie.. that's all I need for Thanksgiving.
I'm already thinking about the ways that I can use this. Cards are a given. But I can cut snowflakes and decorate the house. (Tony's idea.) I can download my digitial images (like Heidi Swapp Soiree line) and set them up as a print and cut feature. (Which I have to-sort learn to use, but will.) Instant die cuts forever. Sort my images by categories for easy access. And on "Black Friday" I'll be shopping for images in the on-line shop. I have finally found a use for all of the paper I have collected over the last 12 years of scrapbooking. I can't wait to see what I can make.
I can't wait to learn more about what this can do. (I should call in sick. Day before the holiday. They know I have a new toy. Probably not a good idea.)
Monday and Tuesday I spent reading the entire manual. I don't think I've ever read a manual cover to cover before. Fifty two pages, and I thought the manual was "light" on instruction. We need a "Silhouette for Dummies" book. I'm thinking I'll be getting my education off of U-tube.
Last night I cut for the very first time. Yes - a virgin cut! I cut a reindeer, a snowflake and a happy birthday title - all on the same page using different papers for each cut. Yeah - my first cut was "fancy". And I went for the "real thing" to use. To hell with "research and development", just jump right in with the real thing - it will work. (OK. I would have made a really bad scientist.)
It worked like a charm. This machine lines up the image on the computer screen exactly as it will on the cutting mat. (The old one didn't do that.) This one has a 12x12 cutting mat, the old one was 81/2 x 11 - you had to trim your paper every time and you kind of had to guess where the cut would start. This machine is a lot quieter, although the grindy cutting noise is always a little disturbing. But that is what it does.
I also practiced grouping and ungrouping images last night. Seeing how they move on the page and how you control the images.
Tonight, I'll make a turkey. NO - not the in the oven kind, the paper kind. That and apple pie.. that's all I need for Thanksgiving.
I'm already thinking about the ways that I can use this. Cards are a given. But I can cut snowflakes and decorate the house. (Tony's idea.) I can download my digitial images (like Heidi Swapp Soiree line) and set them up as a print and cut feature. (Which I have to-sort learn to use, but will.) Instant die cuts forever. Sort my images by categories for easy access. And on "Black Friday" I'll be shopping for images in the on-line shop. I have finally found a use for all of the paper I have collected over the last 12 years of scrapbooking. I can't wait to see what I can make.
I can't wait to learn more about what this can do. (I should call in sick. Day before the holiday. They know I have a new toy. Probably not a good idea.)
Monday, November 21, 2011
November 21st - Today is THE day!
Oh yes! Today is THE day. THE day in which the new Silhouette Cameo will arrive. How do I know. I've tracked the package for over a week. At least once a day (if not more) I would go on the UPS website and see where my Cameo is. Seeing when it was shipped from the company and picked up and taken to Mesa, AZ. Where it was in transit. When it arrived in central Illinois. When it arrived in Palatine on Friday. (Palatine - I could have walked there to pick it up!!!)
Like a kid awaiting Santa's arrival, I too anxiously waited. Had we had tracking when I was a kid, Christmas would have been a bigger pain in the butt for my mom. Instead of the 18 thousand times a day asking when is Santa coming - I would have been on the Internet tracking Santa's progress, keeping it in some kind of note book and reporting back to my mom - 18 thousand times a day.
Will this new toy be a life time scrapping shift in how I do things? I've been skimming through u-tubes and tutorials. I'm thinking I'll be able to learn a lot. But I didn't want to watch all of the demo's since I couldn't play along.
I almost took today off in "preparation" of receipt of the machine. Clean my scraproom, make a place for it. Make dinner for it. I want it to likes it's new home. And I think I'll call is "Cam".
I'm thinking this might be better then a dog. LOL!! However, it won't be any cheaper by the time I start buying things for it; totes, dies, blades, mats, - vet bills or scrapping supplies; I'm thinking they are about the same. :)
I'll let you know when it arrives!!! Whoooo Hoooo! Yeah baby!! It's a good day!!!
Like a kid awaiting Santa's arrival, I too anxiously waited. Had we had tracking when I was a kid, Christmas would have been a bigger pain in the butt for my mom. Instead of the 18 thousand times a day asking when is Santa coming - I would have been on the Internet tracking Santa's progress, keeping it in some kind of note book and reporting back to my mom - 18 thousand times a day.
Will this new toy be a life time scrapping shift in how I do things? I've been skimming through u-tubes and tutorials. I'm thinking I'll be able to learn a lot. But I didn't want to watch all of the demo's since I couldn't play along.
I almost took today off in "preparation" of receipt of the machine. Clean my scraproom, make a place for it. Make dinner for it. I want it to likes it's new home. And I think I'll call is "Cam".
I'm thinking this might be better then a dog. LOL!! However, it won't be any cheaper by the time I start buying things for it; totes, dies, blades, mats, - vet bills or scrapping supplies; I'm thinking they are about the same. :)
I'll let you know when it arrives!!! Whoooo Hoooo! Yeah baby!! It's a good day!!!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Preparing for 2012 - November 18, 2011
So here is what I'm thinking. I'm preparing for 2012. By purchasing items NOW, I won't have to buy as much in the new year. I don't think I'll need to buy anything but "hard goods" - you know.. adhesive, page protectors, ink, black card stock. Things that you use every time and run out of.
I got my Cameo coming. :) To be delivered on Monday. I even changed a dentist appointment so that if UPS is running late, I'll be there for the delivery. AND, I just ordered a new Cinch. Now I can make all my own albums and bind them with either wire "c"s or spiral bound. That means... I don't even have to buy albums any more. I can pretty much make my own from chipboard. And heck - I can get free chipboard from the back of legal pads!

So I'm thinking, 2012 may be the year of "minimizing". I'm really going to try hard. Try really, really hard to not buy new supplies. The Cameo should provide all my lettering needs.. plus other die cuts (snowflakes, balloons, titles, etec. ) The Cinch should provide almost all of my album needs... I have enough paper. (Although I've used every piece of Teresa Collins paper I have - she is my new fav.!).
If I work through all my pages to be journaled, projects to finish, and classes I've signed up for and have yet to complete... I'm thinking that will take me through 2012... and into 2020!! LOL!!! Let's just say I am not at a loss for scrapping projects or card making. There is always something. Wait until you see the calendars I make with my Cinch!
My ribbon addiction and flower passion need to be used. But I must say that with the card making, I've learned to manipulate a lot more of what I have and use it in different ways. :) I like that. I love using the stuff I bought. So I'm getting ready for the new year. :) I'm going to try again. Heck way not. Even falling on your face is forward motion. And you'll never know unless you try.
I got my Cameo coming. :) To be delivered on Monday. I even changed a dentist appointment so that if UPS is running late, I'll be there for the delivery. AND, I just ordered a new Cinch. Now I can make all my own albums and bind them with either wire "c"s or spiral bound. That means... I don't even have to buy albums any more. I can pretty much make my own from chipboard. And heck - I can get free chipboard from the back of legal pads!
So I'm thinking, 2012 may be the year of "minimizing". I'm really going to try hard. Try really, really hard to not buy new supplies. The Cameo should provide all my lettering needs.. plus other die cuts (snowflakes, balloons, titles, etec. ) The Cinch should provide almost all of my album needs... I have enough paper. (Although I've used every piece of Teresa Collins paper I have - she is my new fav.!).
If I work through all my pages to be journaled, projects to finish, and classes I've signed up for and have yet to complete... I'm thinking that will take me through 2012... and into 2020!! LOL!!! Let's just say I am not at a loss for scrapping projects or card making. There is always something. Wait until you see the calendars I make with my Cinch!
My ribbon addiction and flower passion need to be used. But I must say that with the card making, I've learned to manipulate a lot more of what I have and use it in different ways. :) I like that. I love using the stuff I bought. So I'm getting ready for the new year. :) I'm going to try again. Heck way not. Even falling on your face is forward motion. And you'll never know unless you try.
Monday, November 14, 2011
I'm Back!
Can you believe it! It's been over a year since I started this blog. August of 2010. Wow! That seems like a long time ago. A life time ago. Life got fast, and busy and unexpected turns took place. But I never stopped scrapping. And certainly never stopped spending. :) Oh the addiction. And finding justifications. Oh yeah - for instance, I'm not getting my nails done anymore (my manicurist retired and the new was was so terrible. She destroyed my nails. I decided not to go back. I've grown them out and have saved $60/month.) Stocking up on paper. Who can't use bazzill card stock at $20/pizza box. Stamps. Oh my stamps the clear ones.. since they are so easy to stack and store - that means you can buy a lot of them! And they can be SO cheap at times! It's wonderful!!! Invigorating. Creatively simulating.
So if I'm having such a good time, why I'm I back? I'm back because I just bought the latest and greatest of die cut machines. The new Silhouette - Cameo. A machine that can cut every font I have stored, in any size. This new machine has a 12x12 bed - no more cutting paper to fit it, and it is easier to use, has a print function, can cut out images that I've saved, etc. It is the BMW of machines. And since the card business is doing so well. I've used saved funds from that adventure to purchase this.

All well and good.. but why back at the blog. Didn't this "experiment" fail? No. The failure comes from never trying at all. To never try is to fail. I tried. Took some turns. But I'm ready to try again. Weight Watchers does this ALL the time. Why can't I? I believe the draw back was to not spend anything - total denial. Maybe I need a budget. Points - like weight watchers.
With the new Silhouette on it's way. Ordered on Friday, should be here in a week. I'm going to rethink what it is that I really need to buy. And what I can clear out and use on my cards. After 11 years of scrapping I kind of know my "technique" and should try to stay true to it. I've also found a friend who is a silhouette expert! Oh yes! I've seen her work hanging in Archivers and it is outstanding. She can make that machine "sing"! and I'm willing to meet with her and pay her for lessons. Why not? People takes lessons to learn to play pianos, guitars. Cooking classes. Why not take a class where I can make this machine do what I want, and in doing so, use up my supplies.
I'm excited! Between the silhouette and my laptop/printer I should be able to create exactly what I want with what I have. The ribbon is abundant. The stamps in volumes. Pattern paper in every color of the rainbow.
What I will need to get over is the "perfection". The "Is this the PERFECT color to go with picture? The perfect shade of ribbon? The perfect hue of flower?" Get over it. Do NOT over think it. Now one else will. They will look at the picture and page for about 3 seconds. Really. I've watched someone look at books. This year, as I move forward. It will be on getting the picture down, the store told and not worrying about perfection - but about the story.
Most people would wait until January 1 to start this. A new year. A new beginning. Not me! If you know me, you know I have very little patience.I hate waiting. So - Happy New Year! Here we go. And if you want to read along, I welcome you. Enjoy this blog. For it keeps me honest and aware of what is going on. And isn't that what we want in life... to be aware.. and enjoy it!
So if I'm having such a good time, why I'm I back? I'm back because I just bought the latest and greatest of die cut machines. The new Silhouette - Cameo. A machine that can cut every font I have stored, in any size. This new machine has a 12x12 bed - no more cutting paper to fit it, and it is easier to use, has a print function, can cut out images that I've saved, etc. It is the BMW of machines. And since the card business is doing so well. I've used saved funds from that adventure to purchase this.
All well and good.. but why back at the blog. Didn't this "experiment" fail? No. The failure comes from never trying at all. To never try is to fail. I tried. Took some turns. But I'm ready to try again. Weight Watchers does this ALL the time. Why can't I? I believe the draw back was to not spend anything - total denial. Maybe I need a budget. Points - like weight watchers.
With the new Silhouette on it's way. Ordered on Friday, should be here in a week. I'm going to rethink what it is that I really need to buy. And what I can clear out and use on my cards. After 11 years of scrapping I kind of know my "technique" and should try to stay true to it. I've also found a friend who is a silhouette expert! Oh yes! I've seen her work hanging in Archivers and it is outstanding. She can make that machine "sing"! and I'm willing to meet with her and pay her for lessons. Why not? People takes lessons to learn to play pianos, guitars. Cooking classes. Why not take a class where I can make this machine do what I want, and in doing so, use up my supplies.
What I will need to get over is the "perfection". The "Is this the PERFECT color to go with picture? The perfect shade of ribbon? The perfect hue of flower?" Get over it. Do NOT over think it. Now one else will. They will look at the picture and page for about 3 seconds. Really. I've watched someone look at books. This year, as I move forward. It will be on getting the picture down, the store told and not worrying about perfection - but about the story.
Most people would wait until January 1 to start this. A new year. A new beginning. Not me! If you know me, you know I have very little patience.I hate waiting. So - Happy New Year! Here we go. And if you want to read along, I welcome you. Enjoy this blog. For it keeps me honest and aware of what is going on. And isn't that what we want in life... to be aware.. and enjoy it!
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